Raw writing is a writing practice I have been developing over the past years. It includes tools like écriture automatique, is situated in autotheory, and comes in the form of essays, poems, or stories. I like to share my writing in readings, contributions to publications, communal writing and debating sessions, workshops, books and text-based works.
Car of artist Laura Mahnke carrying a silver banner that says Prendre la parole in red letters
Laura Mahnke reading from her book "Prendre la parole - on shame and the urgency of speaking at all or speaking anyway".
Poem by Laura Mahnke written on a grey floor with a black marker
workshop by Laura Mahnke
person writing during a workshop by artist Laura Mahnke
people writing during a workshop by Laura Mahnke

We do not negate our bodies or our experiences, we do not distance ourselves from them. We put them in the picture or take them as the starting point for our texts, we write them into the world or history, we prove to ourselves and others that we exist, we look at ourselves, not narcissistically, but curiously, mournfully, angrily, lovingly, questioningly, sufferingly, defiantly, panicky, hatefully, rapturously, paralyzed, rebelliously. Raw.

A person writing during a workshop by Laura Mahnke